Posted on March 25, 2013 in Community Sharon's Corner Small Business
2 Years in business

As I approach my second business anniversary, I find myself reflecting on where I began, where I am now and where I am going. Although my direction, vision and purpose has remained constant, I see that my approach has changed and continues to evolve.

When I first opened, I had no intention of hiring staff. I now find myself needing support staff to assist me in fulfilling my purpose with my clients and the community. When I first opened my practice I had intended to only operate out of my home office. As my business grows, I find that this, too, may need to change. Again, my purpose and passion for what I do remains the same, but as the saying goes, I need to “roll with the punches”.

When we stop growing and moving forward, we stagnate and I now realize that this journey has only begun and I am excited to see what the future will bring. So my advice to all those in business: stay true to your PURPOSE and PASSION but know that you have to ADAPT and continue to move forward and grow your business. Keep doing what you love and you will prosper!

With that, I thank each and everyone one of you: my family, my friends, my clients, my business partners, and my community. I value you and know, that without each and every one of you, I would not be where I am today.

Special thanks to my husband for always being there, I rely on you and you support me so I can work all hours of the day and night and provide for a life that we love. Special thanks to my dad who has always been my rock and someone who has shared with me his passion for business and has taught  me so much about ethical and principled business practices. Special thanks to my mom for doing such a great job with raising me; although it doesn’t always feel like we are on the same page, I learn so much from you. Special thanks to my dear friend, Julia, who is always there to support me with whatever I need in business or my personal life…I promise one day, I will give back to you what you have given me or pay it forward and help make our world go round in a kinder, happier rhythm…know that I appreciate you. Special thanks to Dr. Gil and Dr. Marie for helping me find my voice in everything I do, whether it’s our family health or business, you have inspired my journey of living life to its fullest and realizing my own truths and authenticity. Special thanks to Desiree for being a master networker and introducing me to so many fabulous people; you have definitely been a rock star in helping grow my business.

My special thanks list could go on forever, but please know that even if you weren’t specifically named here, you are very important to me. You have helped my business grow, shared your knowledge and experiences with me and helped me to shape my practice into a company that I am proud of, thank you.

